Survey Report


Nowadays, online shopping is very popular. There are many websites for online shopping in Indonesia. The survey was conducted to find out the current online shopping habits. From this survey, we will know the online shopping habits in the society.

The research was done by asking random people in society to complete an online questionnaire. The survey was published on my personal blog. It took one week before I was creating this report. I got 40 responses for this survey. For female respondents, it got 90% and for male respondents only got 10%.

Diagram 1
Diagram 2 

Of course, this survey was conducted for humans; human divided into male and female. I was searched the respondents randomly. Talking about shopping activity, woman is always number one. So, it is not a surprise if woman become the majority respondent in this survey. Since the most respondents are woman, the highest product which respondents buy online is fashion and shoes; followed by cosmetics and skincare. Then, I think for the male respondents, they would probably buy electronics, gadgets or toys (Diagram 1).

So, how do people know about online shopping? Well, before I take the result of this survey, I was expecting that the respondents might know online shopping from television/advertisement, but my expectation was going wrong. The most responses know online shopping from social media (it got 82.5%).  On the other hand, I found from the survey, most people are rarely doing online shopping (Diagram 2).

For the budget, 55% of responses spent ≤ Rp 250.000,- every month for online shopping. Then, most of the respondents are never being tricked by online shopping seller (it got 85%). Why do people do online shopping? 34 people do online shopping, because they could find items that are not sold in their area. The majority response for the advantage of online shopping is more practical, however the disadvantage is that we could not see the detail of the products.

So, it is already known in society that online-shopping is a common habit. Even it is very popular, because there are many advertisements, stores, and websites for online shopping. From the survey it shows that online-shopping is usually done by woman. The majority for the products are fashions and shoes. We cannot deny that online-shopping become habit in current time, although there are some people not interested in online-shopping (most of them are man).  
From the survey we can conclude that online-shopping is popular but some people often do not do it.
If we want do to online-shopping, we must be careful since there are many cybercrime. Choose the right and verified shop agent.
Happy shopping J

Ari Bekti Setyaningsih
PBI – F / 15202241039


  1. Nice report Ari, you put diagram and explained your findings based on the diagram, you also give your suggestion in the last of your conclusion, I like it. :)


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